Advertorial Feature
This is an advertorial, which gives me the
opportunity to share with you my recent discovery and a great pleasure that I
recently experienced on a trip to Lincoln and back.
Coutts cues is a family run firm making and
selling excellent cues just outside the city centre of Lincoln in England.
David Coutts is a skilled woodsmith who
takes great pride in creating cues of great quality and perhaps more
importantly, he creates cues that are taylor-made to the individual customers
I recently had the pleasure of visiting
David at his workshop and retail premises and was most impressed with what I
saw. David supplies cues and cases as well as many other accesories.
However the treat of the whole visit was
when I was given the cue that David had made for me. The cue was totally hand
made in Davids own workshop, in fact it took eight weeks to complete. The
ash in the shaft has a taper that in my opinion surpasses anything in my
In conversation with David, it became clear
that he is committed to making cues that will last a lifetime and give their
owners a great deal of sarisfacrion whether they are occasional or serious
Coutts Cues can carry out repairs and even
make a replica of your most trusted cue, so that you need never be without a
cue that you can rely on, even if your regular cue becomes unavailable for any
Coutts Cues Chatsworth Drive North
Hykeham Lincoln Lincolnshire United Kingdom LN6 8LD
Tel: 01522, 883083
David Smith
Coutts Cues & Robin Cues limited edition (ten only) Snooker
Coutts Cues and Robin Cues have joined
together to make a very limited edition (ten only) Snooker cue each
individually numbered with a certificate and complete with matching mini butt
and extending extension.
By joining forces Coutts Cues and Robin
Cues are able to use the best of both modern and traditional techniquies (over
40 years experience between Coutts Cues and Robin Cues).
Each shaft is hand planed over a period of
at least a year. The ebony has been picked for its character of grain and over
spliced with olive wood and red veneers then oil finished (no lacquer in
sight!!) the splicing is nice and even top and bottom. 58" butt 9.2mm tip
30.2mm butt 16 3/4oz
A cue not to be missed, a collectors item
in years to come!!
 Limited Edition cue
Advertorial Feature